A multidisciplinary society of physicians which, through collaborative efforts in research and education, improves the quality of life and prognosis of patients with cutaneous lymphoma
To foster a multidisciplinary approach to patient care, education and clinical and basic research in the area of cutaneous lymphomas
The USCLC Bylaws define the rights and responsibilities of Society members as well as the legal conduct of all Society activities. The USCLC Administrative Regulations are internal management guidelines that outline processes or procedures to provide for continuity and consistency of administration. The USCLC Bylaws provide that the Board of Directors of the USCLC may adopt Administrative Rules by majority vote, and may amend them by approval of ≥ 2/3 vote of the Board.
A. Active Member:
Any physician who has submitted a completed application form , whose application has been reviewed and voted on affirmatively by >2/3 members of the Board of Directors and who has paid annual dues may be considered an Active Member. Active Members are physicians who are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cutaneous lymphomas and may be from various subspecialties of medicine including but not limited to Dermatology, Oncology, Pathology, and Radiation Oncology. Active Members shall have the right to attend membership meetings, participate in discussions, to vote, to be appointed to committees or councils, and to any other benefits of membership. Only Active Members may be members of the USCLC Clinical Trials Network. Active Members must pay any assessments, meeting registration fees and fees for social events unless specifically waived for that meeting. All active members are encouraged to participate in one or more of the core activities of the USCLC by either:
Providing information to the USCLC registry
Participating in the development of guidelines of therapy for cutaneous lymphoma or education of other physicians
Participating in the USCLC tissue bank for cutaneous lymphomas
B. Associate Member:
Any non-physician who is engaged in the care or support of patients with cutaneous lymphoma or a physician or non-physician engaged in the education of patients or physicians about cutaneous lymphomas who has submitted a completed application form that has been reviewed and voted on affirmatively by >2/3 members of the Board of Directors and who has paid annual dues may be considered an Associate Member. Associate Members have the right to attend and participate in membership meetings of the USCLC and may be appointed to committees or councils but do not have the right to vote or to hold elective office. Associate members must pay any assessments, meeting registration fees and fees for social events unless specifically waived for that meeting.
C. Trainee member:
Any person currently enrolled in a residency, fellowship, or graduate program or who is completing training towards a post-graduate degree who is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous lymphoma or in research in the area of cutaneous lymphoma, who has submitted a completed application form and whose application has been reviewed and accepted by the > 2/3 of the Board of Directors may be considered a Trainee Member. Trainee Members have the right to attend and participate in membership meetings of the USCLC, but do not have the right to be appointed to committees or councils (other than as non-voting guests), vote or to hold elective office. Annual dues and any assessment fees are waived while training status is maintained but Trainee Members must pay for the registration costs for meetings and social events unless specifically waived for that meeting. When their training is completed, Trainee Members will automatically be considered for active membership by the Board of Directors and if affirmed, will be considered Active Members upon paying dues.
D. Honorary member:
An Honorary Member is someone of scientific stature who has been nominated by at least two USCLC members and approved by >3/4 of the Board of Directors. An Honorary Member does not pay dues or assessments but must pay applicable registration fees and/or social event costs unless specifically waived by the Board. An Honorary Member does not have the right to vote or to hold elective office but may attend and participate in membership meetings and be appointed to a committees.
E. International member
Any physician who has submitted a completed application form, whose application has been reviewed and voted on affirmatively by >2/3 members of the Board of Directors and who has paid annual dues may be considered an International Member. International Members are physicians who are currently engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cutaneous lymphoma and who are currently licensed to practice medicine in countries outside the United States or non-physicians engaged in research on cutaneous lymphoma in countries outside the United States. Physicians may be from various subspecialities of medicine including but not limited to Dermatology, Oncology, Pathology and Radiation Oncology. International members shall have the right to attend membership meetings, to participate in discussions and to accept appointment to committees and councils but not to vote or hold office. International Members must pay meeting registration fees, assessments and social event fees unless specifically waived for that meeting.
1. General Description
The President of the USCLC shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the members of the Society, shall be a member of the Board of Directors and an ex-officio member of all committees, task forces and councils. The President shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the general membership for a 2 year term which is non-renewable. At the completion of his/her term as President, the now immediate Past-President shall continue to serve as an ex-officio voting member of the Board of Directors for an additional 2 years. In the event of a vacancy of the office of President, the Board of Directors shall appoint an interim President to serve for the remainder of the term or to the next Annual Meeting, whichever is first. At the next Annual Meeting, the interim President whose term is not complete must be approved by a majority of the membership at the meeting to continue in this role for the remainder of the term or alternate candidates must be presented by the Board to the membership for approval.
The President shall do the following:
a. Functions Relevant to the Board:
Call for Annual Board meeting with at least 14 days notice
May call additional Board meetings with 3 days notice.
Determine the agenda of the Board meetings.
Preside over all Board meetings
b. Functions Relevant to Society Meetings:
Prepare an agenda for the Annual meeting at least 30 days and for other meetings at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
Call the meeting to order and direct the order, content and time of the various parts of the meeting.
Adjourn the meeting.
c. Relationship to Committees, Task Forces and Councils:
Recommend the initiation of new task forces and committees.
Solicit and accept nominations for the various committees and committee chairs.
Make suggestions to the Board for the various committees and task forces and Committee Chairs, keeping in mind trying to provide a balance of representatives from various disciplines and experienced and young members.
d. Functions Relevant to Society Business:
May hire or appoint any consultants, staff or legal council with approval of the Board of Directors. The role of any consultant must be defined and who he/she reports to and the specifics of how costs are to be derived, how payments are to be made and at what intervals, and the necessary documentation for billing and ceiling for expenses must be set first in conjunction with the Secretary/Treasurer and approved annually by the Board of Directors. May execute for the Society any contracts, deeds, mortgages, bonds or other instruments which the Board has authorized.
Certify the correctness of the Minutes of any meeting prior to dissemination to the general membership
May sign all checks, drafts or other orders for payment of money issued in the name of the Society after written review and approval by the Secretary-Treasurer.
a. Any expenses >$5,000 within one calendar year outside of those related to previously agreed upon contracts or recurring payments for salaries must first be approved by the Board of Directors.
b. Depositing funds of the Society to the credit of the Society in such banks, trust funds or other depositories as the Board may select.
1. General Description
The Secretary-Treasurer of the USCLC has the responsibility for all records and correspondence of the Society, is the principle accounting and financial officer of the Society and serves as a liaison and ex-officio member of all committees, task forces and councils. The Secretary-Treasurer works under the direction of the President and is a member of the Board of Directors. He/she is nominated by the Nominating Committee and is elected by a majority vote of the membership to serve a 2 year term. He/she may be elected for a second 2-year term if re-nominated and if re-elected by the general membership. In the event of a vacancy of the office of Secretary-Treasurer, the Board of Directors shall appoint an interim Secretary-Treasurer to serve for the remainder of the term or to the next Annual Meeting whichever is first. At the next Annual Meeting, the interim Secretary-Treasurer whose term is not complete must be approved by a majority of the membership at the meeting to continue in this role for the remainder of the term or alternate candidates must be presented by the Board to the membership for approval.
The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer include, but are not limited to:
a. Record Keeping of Society Business:
Taking careful and authentic notes of the proceedings of any USCLC meeting, including those of the Board of Directors, as a basis for preparing Minutes.
Preparing the Minutes, noting the name of the individual member or committee/task force accepting responsibility for implementing any action item and the time frame or deadlines for implementation of action items.
Certifying the correctness of the Minutes with the President prior to distribution to the general membership.
Presenting the Minutes to the general membership for approval and noting any approved corrections.
Recording the approved Minutes with date of their approval and signing to attest their validity.
Preserving the official approved Minutes and any records, reports, official correspondence and/or documents of the Society except those specifically assigned to others.
b. Functions Relevant to Society Meetings:
Sending out notices of all general meetings at least 30 days prior to meeting.
Assisting the presiding officer before each meeting in preparing a detailed agenda.
Bringing to each meeting a copy of the current Bylaws, Administrative Regulations, a list of members, a list of officers and board members with terms of office, a list of members of standing and special committees, the Minutes book, a copy of the parliamentary authority adopted by the organization (Sturgis) and any active agenda item with timeline for completion of project and who is responsible.
Searching the Minutes for information requested by officers or members.
Preparing a list of members and calling the roll when directed by the presiding officer.
Calling attention to actions from previous Minutes which have not been carried out.
Maintaining a record of adoptive policies and procedures.
Maintaining a current membership list with email, office address, fax, and office telephone numbers.
Notifying applicants of approval of membership.
c. Relationship to Committees, Task Forces, Councils:
Serving as liaison from the Board and the President to all committees, task forces and councils and serving as an ex-officio advisory member to the committees.
Providing the Chair of each committee, task force and council with a list of members assigned to the committee including names, telephone numbers, email addresses and terms of assignment, a copy of all proposals referred to the committee, instructions or materials that may be useful to that committee, deadlines and days for actions referred to each committee.
Obtaining a report from each committee 30 days prior to the annual general meeting and at other times as requested by the President.
Working with each committee to prepare an accurate record of past and projected expenditures to be presented at Board meetings and to be included in the annual budget.
Being responsible for maintaining a list of all the past officers and Board members, year of election and term of office. This should be provided to the general membership at the time of request for nominations and/or election of officers and/or Board members each year.
Working with the various committees to distribute pertinent information to members of that committee or Board.
d. Financial Responsibilities:
Working to maintain the annual budget.
a. Dues: Maintaining a record of the collection of all dues and contributions to the USCLC. Notices for dues are to be sent out by November 15 each year and again on January 30 if not paid.
b. Maintaining a record of all USCLC related expenditures.
c. Requesting from all officers, Board members and/or committees a record of USCLCM related expenditures during the year.
d. Developing and maintaining a reporting mechanism for expenditures for the past year.
e. Developing a list of projected expenses for the coming year in conjunction with the President and committees.
f. Reporting to the Board of Directors any budget overdrafts.
g. Providing a budgetary accounting for review annually.
h. Overseeing the creation and timely submission of the annual IRS statements in collaboration with the President
i. Signing any checks, drafts or other orders for payment of money issued in the name of the Society after written approval by the President.
Depositing funds of the Society to the credit of the Society in such banks, trust funds or other depositories as the Board may select.
Any expenses greater than $5000 within one calendar year must first be approved by the Board of Directors.
e. Functions Relevant to the Board of Directors Meetings:
Presenting the annual budget including expenditures for the past and coming years.
Summarizing the financial health of the organization including a review of investment expenditures and income.
Keeping the reports to the Board of Directors and Minutes of all Board of Directors meetings.
f. An Executive Director, Administrative Assistant or other Board agent may perform selected duties of the Secretary-Treasurer with approval of the Board.
1. General Description
The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Secretary-Treasurer, Immediate Past-President and nine (9) Directors. There should be representation of various medical specialties on the Board.
2. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors include the following:
a. Membership:
To initiate changes in dues and assessments for Active, Associate and Trainee Members and, if approved, have these modifications voted on by the general membership at the annual general meeting.
To terminate membership in the USCLC either by approving voluntary withdrawal of membership and/or by determining that an individual no longer satisfies all current eligibility requirements or has violated the Bylaws or Administrative Regulations of the Society relative to membership in the Society or has failed to pay assessments within 150 days of due date or whose continuation of membership would reflect adversely on the Society.
b. Administrative Regulations and Bylaws:
May establish Administrative Regulations necessary to govern the organization and operation of the USCLC, members and meetings. May amend Administrative Regulations by 2/3 vote. Nothing in the Administrative Regulations shall contravene the Bylaws.
May initiate amendments to the Bylaws which must first be approved by 2/3 of the Board of Directors and then presented to the general membership for approval.
In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors or of an officer, the Board shall appoint an Active Member to fill the vacancy until the next annual general meeting or to the end of that term of office, whichever comes first.
May provide by resolution, the time and place of additional, regular Board meetings.
Shall be the final authority regarding the structure, organization and administration of the annual, and any interim, scientific meetings.
Shall determine registration fees for meetings.
Shall have the authority to create and appoint committees as needed for the proper conduct of the Society.
c. Financial:
May authorize a loan to be contracted on behalf of the Society, if thereafter approved by 2/3 majority vote of the general membership.
May accept on behalf of the Society, any contribution, gift or behest for the general purposes or any specific purpose of the Society.
May negotiate and approve sponsorship from personal organizations who offer significant financial support to the Society.
May approve reimbursement of expenses to officers, committees or other members of the Society for expenses incurred relative to actions carried out for the Society.
Shall approve the use of the title and logo of the USCLC if to be used outside official stationary notices or publications of the Society.
Shall help to finance key projects and help to ensure the financial solvency and stability of the USCLC by either raising funds directly for the USCLC or directing potential donors to the Fundraising Committee.
d. Meetings:
The Board shall meet prior to or immediately after the annual meeting of the membership. The President, or 3 Board members, may call meetings at any other time with three days notice. A quorum for all Board of Directors meetings equals 7 members.
Directors are expected to attend all Board meetings in which at least 30 days notice is given and for which multiple choices of times were given to try to accommodate Board members’ schedules. If a Director cannot attend such a meeting, a written notice to the Secretary-Treasurer and President explaining the circumstances should be sent. Missing more than 3 such called meetings with advance notice during a calendar year, unless there are exceptional circumstances, are grounds for dismissal from the Board.
In order to conduct business for the Society electronically, it is necessary to have the Directors respond quickly to all queries. An email response within 3 working days to a query from the Society officers or Association management is requested and if unable to reply within this time frame, a reply within 7 working days with explanation for the delay is requested. A copy of the email may, on request, be sent to the Director’s assistant to ensure timely receipt and action. A pattern of failure to reply to queries is grounds for dismissal from the Board.
Dues for Active and Associate Members are $100 per year due January 1. This must be paid by check made out to USCLC and sent to the Secretary/Treasurer or designee or paid online on official USCLC site. Dues are considered late if payment is not received in 150 days.
Dues for Trainee and Honorary Members are waived.
Committees are set-up and members/chairmen suggested for appointment by the President with approval by the Board. Terms of appointment, which begin at the annual meeting, are for 3 years unless otherwise specified and may be renewed by the Board for additional consecutive terms.. Any committee member may be removed with recommendation of 3/4 of the members of that committee and approval by the Board of Directors. Any committee may identify and propose to the Board of Directors the involvement of any consultant or guest to that committee.
Reimbursement for any staff services related to work on any committee must first be approved by the Board of Directors.
Committee Chairmen should prepare a scope of work and proposed budget for any committee project that presumes to require USCLC funds for development and completion and submit this to the Board of Directors before initiation. If the project is approved by the BOD but no USCLC funding is otherwise available, it is presumed that the Committee will work to find funding for this project. No project can begin that incurs charges against the USCLC without specific funding in place first.
A. Membership Committees
Mission Statement: To recruit and encourage membership applications to the USCLC; to review and evaluate all properly filed applications for membership quarterly and to report the results of this review to the Board; to help to develop means of maintaining and expanding membership. All members should be Board certified in their field
Number of members: maximum of 8
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval Board of Directors.
Term of office: 3 years, renewable
Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors
B. Nominating Committee
Mission Statement: The purpose of this committee is to identify the best possible candidates for the positions of President, Secretary-Treasurer and/or Directors among USCLC members who agree to serve at the current time. Consideration will be given to nominations solicited from the general membership as well as those members who have been active participants in the Society through involvement on committees or task forces or prior involvement on the Board of Directors. Criteria for nominations should include a track record in clinical or basic research, in the area of cutaneous lymphomas, good organizational abilities, the capacity for hard work, and other attributes considered suitable for these positions. Consistent efforts should be made to ensure representation by multiple specialty groups involved in the care of cutaneous lymphoma patients. By 45 days prior to the election, the Nominating Committee will present to the Board of Directors a panel of candidates for the various positions on the Board of Directors that are becoming vacant. Two candidates will be nominated for each available position, and these nominations will be mailed to the membership at least 30 days before the next in-person meeting of the Society in order that every member has an adequate chance to record his vote. Ballots may be returned by mail, facsimile or email as specified by the Board of Directors. These votes will be tallied before the meeting, and the results will be announced at that meeting.
Nominating Guidelines:
Nominations for any of the open officer or Director positions will be solicited through a letter (mail or electronic) to the general membership sent by the Secretary-Treasurer at least 60 days prior to the election. Nominations will be sent to the chairman of the Nominating Committee.
Number of members: three to five
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval of the Board of Directors
Term of office: 3 years, renewable
Qualifications: Active member of USCLC with highest professional and scholarly skills as well as service to the USCLC. Not to include incumbent members of the Board, except for Immediate Past-President, or any person who wishes to be considered for one of the offices or Directorships within the three (3) year potential term of appointment.
Chairman: Chosen by the Committee members, one 3 year term, renewable
C. Program Committee
Mission Statement: The Committee will determine the program for the Annual Meeting and may determine the program of other meetings if the Board approves. This includes setting the meeting format, inviting the speakers and finalizing a program to be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer for dissemination to the membership at least 60 days prior to the meeting. The Committee has the discretion to give up to $500 in honorarium to one designated speaker without prior Board approval.
Number of members: maximum of 8
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval of the Board of Directors.
Term of office: 3 years, renewable
Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors for 3 year term, renewable
D. Registry Committee
Mission Statement: The Committee will have the responsibility for the development, oversight and maintenance of a US based registry for cutaneous lymphomas. The Committee will, with the approval of the Board, determine how, when and by who data collected in the registry may be queried and when and what type of analysis will be performed. The Committee will be responsible for reviewing and approving any protocols or requests for data that relate to the Registry. The Committee will ensure that all publications coming from the data in the registry have been approved by the Board of Directors and that authorship has been determined by preexisting guidelines. The Committee will provide oversight for the Registry coordinator(s), any related CRO and will be responsible for any collaborative efforts with other national registries of patients with cutaneous lymphomas.
Number of members: maximum of 10
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval of the Board of Directors
Term of office: 3 years, renewable
Chairman: appointed by the Board of Directors for 3 year term, renewable
E. Education Committee
Mission Statement: The Committee will coordinate all the educational activities of the USCLC including print, video, auditory and electronic communication. The Committee will work with the organizers of various specialty society meetings to promote the education of members regarding cutaneous lymphoma. The Committee will work with the Patient Advocacy Committee and the Nurses, Nurse Practioners and Physician Assistants Committee to develop educational materials and/or organize meetings that will help patients with cutaneous lymphoma to better understand or treat their disease. The Committee will work with the Young Physicians Committee to promote education and mentorship for young physicians considering a career that involves taking care of patients with cutaneous lymphoma.
Number of members: maximum of 8
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors t with approval of the Board of Directors
Term of office: 3 years, renewable
Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors for 3 year term, renewable
F. Tissue Bank/ Biomarkers Committee
Mission Statement: To develop, promote and oversee a virtual tissue bank for cutaneous lymphomas and to develop and initiate studies that correlate genotyping and clinical information stored within the USCLC registry and tissue bank.
Number of members: maximum of 8
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval of the Board of Directors
Term of office: 3 years,
Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors for 3 year term, renewable
G. Website Committee
Mission Statement: To oversee the development and maintenance of the Society website
Number of members: maximum of 8
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval of the Board of Directors
Term of office: 3 years, renewable x 2
Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors for 3 year term, renewable
H. Pathology Committee
Mission statement: To provide standardization or consultation (as needed) for histological diagnosis of patients entered into the Registry and for any histologic issues during a clinical trial including criteria for diagnosis, clearing, or relapse. Committee members each work as an agent of the USCLC for all consulting related to the Society.
Number of members: maximum of 8
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval of the Board of Directors
Term: 3 years, renewable
Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors for 3 year term, renewable
I. Finance Committee
Mission Statement: To ensure that the Society is financially secure by developing both short and long term financial goals; researching and suggesting any investment strategy for the Society; reviewing all financial records at the conclusion of the year and any IRS report prior to submission; working with the Fund Raising Committee to insure income is adequate for projects; and determining if and when an audit is needed.
Number of members: maximum of 8
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval by Board of Directors
Term of office: 3 years, renewable
Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors for 3 year term, renewable
J. Patient Advocacy Committee
Mission statement: To ensure collaboration with patient advocacy groups related to cutaneous lymphoma, to help provide relevant educational tools for patients with cutaneous lymphoma, to ensure that patients’ best interests are represented in all Society activities
Number of members: maximum of 8
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval of Board of Directors
Term of office: 3 years, renewable
Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors for 3 year term, renewable
K. Fundraising Committee
Mission statement: To raise funds to support the Society’s goals, projects, meetings and infrastructure
Number of members: maximum of 8
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval of Board of Directors
Term of office: 3 years, renewable
Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors for 3 year term, renewable
L. Ethics/Conflict of Interest Committee
Mission statement: To provide oversight of our financial relationships with corporate sponsors in any research, publications or meetings sponsored by the Society; to ensure that the highest ethics are maintained in all dealings with patients as pertains to our research and publications.
Number of members: 5-8
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval of Board of Directors
Term of office: 3 years, renewable
Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors for 3 year term, renewable
M. Young Physicians Committee
Mission statement: To encourage and sustain interest in treating patients with cutaneous lymphomas by developing and supporting educational and mentoring activities aimed at young physicians. The committee will act as a liaison and will work to facilitate methods by which established USCLC members can communicate, encourage, and provide guidance and mentorship to new members.
Number of members: maximum of 8
Appointment: Nominations by President and Board of Directors with approval of the Board of Directors
Term of office: 3 years, renewable
Qualifications: physicians (residents, fellows, and practicing physicians) within 5-10 years of completing training
Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors for 3 year term, renewable
1. Task forces are set-up and members/chairman nominated by the President with approval of the Board.
2. Terms of appointment are for one year and renewable annually by Board of Directors.