The signature initiatives of the USCLC are the USCLC Registry, the Clinical Trials Network (CTN), and the Virtual Tissue Repository (VTR). Through these initiatives, the USCLC is uniquely positioned to transform the field of cutaneous lymphoma by:
Maintaining and updating a searchable and validated database (Registry) of patients with all types of cutaneous lymphoma diagnosed across the United States
Creating a clinical research infrastructure (CTN) to facilitate prospective clinical trials in cutaneous lymphoma
Establishing a searchable online archive of tissue from patients with cutaneous lymphoma, obtained and processed through uniform standardized procedures at each participating institution, and linked to clinical data in the Registry.
Future initiatives of the USCLC include the development of a biomedical informatics infrastructure to analyze and disseminate digital clinical and pathology images with the purpose to enhance multi-institutional collaborations. Learn more about our mission here.
USCLC Registry